I7Solar - 26 Homeownership Units
The project features twenty six energy efficient condos with active solar power near H St. and Capitol Hill. Innovative architecture and energy efficiency set the project apart.
The development consists of stacked town homes over flats and townhomes with a total density of 26 units including 9 flats and 17 town homes with 12 units designated as affordable. The townhomes will feature 3 bedrooms 3.5 baths on two levels. The flats will provide two bedrooms and two baths on one level. Financing is provided by Washington First Bank with soft debt from the NSP through DHCD. Construction commenced in 2014 with completion scheduled for 2015.
Roundtree Residences - 91 LIHTC Units
In partnership with Allen Chapel AME Church and NHP Foundation, Andy Botticello and CSMI completed the development of a Senior Living Facility. The facility features a total of 91 units. All of the units will be affordable, with, income limits of 60% of median income. The project includes amenities such as: cafe, club room, game room, coffee shop, library, computer lab and fitness center. Financing is from LIHTC, New Issue Bonds, NIF and HOME Funds from DHCD. Construction Financing is provided by Bank of America with the permanent loan from PNC and Freddie Mac.